Sling It

$200.00 Single Fan


Sling It

(Beck-B.,-2024) bx19-16 (Major Flash x Master and Bold Ruler)
8", 28", M, Sev, Tet, 12 buds, 2 way
Large ruffled rose red with a darker red eye, small green pleated throat
Wanna play frisbee? A giant flat flower with good color. I remember the first time this one bloomed, I could not believe my eyes. It's got to be as big as my hat! I actually took my hat off and put it next to it. Not as big as my hat but amazingly close. Have fun. Only a couple for sale.

Contact Info

Bx Butte daylilies
970w 200s
Murtaugh, Idaho 83344
Lily Auction Username:Bx

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