Stressed Out

$100.00 Double Fan


Stressed Out

(Beck-B.,-2024) bx17-15 (unknown x unknown)
6", 30', M, Sev, Tet, 17-22 buds, 4 way, Re
Cream faun with a pattern eye of burgundy, green, and cream
This one can blow my mind! The pattern is not stable to say the least. So if you want the same look every day this is not for you. Super strong plants, very good scape, quite flat open form, and lots of proliferations. I have as many small plants in the greenhouse from proliferations as I have fans outside. I'm pretty sure it's a sibling to Blurry Face (Celtic Butterfly x Four Beasts In One).

Contact Info

Bx Butte daylilies
970w 200s
Murtaugh, Idaho 83344
Lily Auction Username:Bx

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