Modern Music

$100.00 Double Fan


Modern Music

(Beck-B.,-2024) bx17-5 (Hip Hop Music x Professor Eyes-n-Biter)
5.5-6", 33", ML, sev, Tet, 23 buds, 4 way
White cream with burgundy eye and triple edge of dark burgundy, light burgundy, and yellow gold teeth and knobs
I remember that first picture of 'Born To Be Wild' that I ever saw. It was the most killer flowered daylily ever! It was the beginning of the multiple colored edges. Hats off to Guy period! That being said, 'Modern Music' has a much better plant and flower here in Idaho. The plant and flower are wonderful.

Contact Info

Bx Butte daylilies
970w 200s
Murtaugh, Idaho 83344
Lily Auction Username:Bx

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