Red Rocker

$100.00 Double Fan


Red Rocker

(Beck-B.,-2024) bx16-27 (Scarlet Angel x Luck O' The Irish)
7", 3", ML, Sev, Tet, 18 buds, 3-4 way
Dark burgundy with a faint lighter watermark, small green throat and petals edged in gold
In your face, here comes the Red Rocker. If you looked at the parents for this one you will probably guess what I was going for. If you have grown Scarlet Angel you know how gorgeous it is. And Luck O' The Irish had the most green edge that I knew of when it was released. I wanted a green edged red. Instead I was lucky to get this intense red with a gold edge. With it's tiny green throat, Red Rocker is a mass of Red.

Contact Info

Bx Butte daylilies
970w 200s
Murtaugh, Idaho 83344
Lily Auction Username:Bx

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